Interactive Dashboards
Turn data into information with our dashboards
Today most shippers have access to lots of data to help them manage their transportation processes, either from ERP applications, Freight Audit databases, or Transportation Management Systems.
The problem is that what they really need is easily accessible “Information”, not data.
Successful Transportation Managers not only need to see the whole forest, but when they have to they can walk into it, find a particular tree and chop it down!

“Trends and Outliers”
Nulogx enables shippers to effectively manage their transportation processes by providing actionable business information based on your transportation data, when you need it.
The Nulogx Interactive Dashboard Solution provides near-real time access to your transportation metrics and highlights important “trends and outliers”. More importantly, the underlying data is easily available so that in a matter of minutes you can “drill down” to find and explain the root cause.
Why timeliness matters.
Getting a report at the end of the month is often too late, and generating ad-hoc analysis to explain performance is an inherently reactive process. Today leading Transportation Managers are proactively managing performance with daily updates on key metrics. This enables them to immediately identify and investigate issues before operating processes change or memories fade.
Let’s say your transportation costs going up? Is this bad or good?
We know that Transportation is fundamentally complex and multi-faceted. We call it
“Wack-A-Mole”, like the carnival game. Push down here, and something pops up over there.

The Right Metrics Are Critical
Are sales up? Is your mix of freight changing? What about average delivery distance, modal choices, equipment utilization and so on. All of these variables need to be considered before we can answer the question.
An essential component of the Nulogx Interactive Dashboard Solution is working with our clients to combine the right sets of Metrics into what we call “Views”. These views are aligned with your corporate strategic directives, and enable you to answer fundamental questions such as:
- Are we meeting customer expectations for delivery performance?
- Are we working more efficiently? Delivering more with less?
- Are we effectively utilizing our available capacity?
- Are we managing our surcharges and accessorial expenses effectively?

Interactive Dashboards – a quantum leap in user experience
logistics data drill downCost, weight, speed, distance, volume, frequency and special handling – all variables that are connected with each other – and all may be different for each customer, geography, product line and so on.
Working with this information to understand Trends and Outliers requires Views that are interconnected and have easily applied filters so that relationships are easily understood and allows the issue to be isolated to a particular area of operations
Data Drill Down
With easy access to the underlying data, once a Trend or Outlier has been spotted it is easy to navigate directly to the underlying data or issues responsible of this. All of this within minutes instead of tedious analytical studies to evaluate and trap the root cause of a change in performance.
Take the Next Step
Find out how our services work and how we can improve your transportation.